
Moussa Kone (*1978, Austria) received his MFA from the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, where he studied Fine Arts with a focus on Painting.

He is known for his elaborate black-and-white ink drawings, often combined with watercolor details. The work is dominated by areas filled with rows of cross-hatching structures that represent what the artist calls text. The dense black meshes of line record the amount of time involved in its homogenous execution and have a hint of the ritual.

Together with writer Erwin Uhrmann he initiated projects dealing with the relationship between art and text, e.g. the Art Critics Award. Kone was commissioned site-specific permanent works in or on public buildings and has published artist books in collaboration with authors.

Moussa Kone exhibited at the Lentos Museum, the Austrian Cultural Forum New York, Essl Museum, Strabag Artforum or Charim Gallery. His work is held in public and private collections, he has been awarded several prizes and was artist in residence at the ISCP New York. He is conducting research about art and language and is a member of the Susanne Wenger Foundation. Moussa Kone lives and works in Vienna, Austria.

portrait of the artist Moussa Kone



  • The Life of Things. Looted-Displaced-Salvaged, Altes Marktrichterhaus, Lauffen, Austria, curated by Hemma Schmutz & Markus Proschek, an exhibition of the Lentos Art Museum on the occasion of the European Capital of Culture Bad Ischl Salzkammergut 2024

  • Draw Me Ishmael: The Book Arts of Moby Dick, Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, USA (until January 24, 2026)

  • Konfrontationen, Forum Frohner, Krems, Austria (until April 6, 2025)


  • Max Ernst, Stadtturmgalerie Gmünd, Austria

  • 2000er. Bye-bye Zuversicht, Wien Museum MUSA, Vienna, Austria


  • Spot On, Galerie Raumimpuls, Waidhofen/Ybbs, Austria

  • Kunst.Leben.Leidenschaft, Museum Angerlehner, Thalheim, Austria, curated by Günther Oberhollenzer

  • Stopover, Österreichisches Kulturforum Bratislava, Slovakia


  • Retrospektive Österreichischer Grafikwettbewerb, Taxispalais Kunsthalle Tirol, Innsbruck, Austria

  • Circus: Context is the Magic Word, Wei sraum Designforum Tirol, Innsbruck, Austria

  • Parallel, with Kunstraum am Schauplatz, Vienna, Austria, curated by Patrick Schabus


  • (old collages of) something classical, Galerie Modulart, Vienna, Austria

  • Mahogany Culture, Mahogany Culture Collective, Barbados, curated by Zoe Osborne

  • confluence (tribute), Galerie Gmünd, Gmünd, Austria

  • cats, dogs, and other pieces, Charim Gallery, Vienna, Austria

  • Wintersalon, Galerie Estermann+Messner, Vienna, Austria


  • Arbeit, Leben, Kunst, curated by Nina Schedlmayer, Nö Art, various locations, Austria

  • Somewhere in the World, Forum Frohner, Krems, Austria, curated by Elisabeth Voggeneder and Dieter Ronte

  • Yorùbá/Lukumí, Museo da Língua Portuguesa, São Paulo, Brasil

  • Österreichischer Grafikwettbewerb, Taxispalais, Innsbruck, Austria


  • c/ontour, Charim Gallery, Vienna, Austria

  • Transform the View, instant-edition, Vienna, Austria

  • Double Page, Galerie Punkt Z, Hard, Austria

  • Austria Contemporary, European Economic and Social Committee, Brussels, Belgium


  • Constructing Paradise, Austrian Cultural Forum New York, USA, curated by Dieter Buchhart

  • Sterne-Kosmische Kunst von 1900 bis heute, Lentos Museum, Linz, Austria

  • Nowhere Land, Parallel, with Charim Gallery, Vienna, Austria

  • Kunst_Koordinaten, Museum Angerlehner, Thalheim, Austria

  • Landpartie, Galerie Gerersdorfer, Vienna, Austria


  • Our Choice, Charim Gallery, Vienna, Austria

  • Austrian Graphic Art Competition, Südtiroler Kulturinstitut, Bozen, Italy

  • Paper Work III, Galerie Gerersdorfer, Vienna, Austria

  • Nemocentric, Charim Gallery, Vienna, Austria, curated by Bassam El Baroni


  • Phantom Itch, Sigmund, Vienna, Austria

  • Austrian Graphic Art Competition, Galerie im Taxispalais, Innsbruck, Austria

  • Rims & Reasons, Blackbridge Offspace, Beijing, China

  • Urban Diary, Charim Gallery, Vienna, Austria

  • Figur, Struktur. Strabag Artcollection & Artaward, Kunstbrücke, Innsbruck, Austria


  • Points of Passage, Abbey Melk, Austria

  • The Priority Principle, Galerie Punkt Z, Hard, Austria

  • Keep your feelings in memory, Musée National de la Résistance, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg, curated by Claudia Passeri and Michèle Walerich

  • Figuration zwischen Traum und Wirklichkeit, Museum Angerlehner, Thalheim, Austria, curated by Florian Steininger


  • they called me a drawer, Charim Gallery, Vienna, Austria

  • Follow the Line, Krokus Galeria, Bratislava, Slovakia

  • The Art of Line, John B. Aird Gallery, Toronto, Canada

  • Leopold-Person, Politician, Patron Saint, Landesmuseum Niederösterreich, St. Pölten, Austria

  • Biennale Giovani, Villa Reale, Monza, Italy, curated by Peter Weiermair and Carl Kraus

  • Linienkunst, Museum Angerlehner, Thalheim, Austria

  • the eschaton reviewed: tomorrow is another day, Blackbridge Offspace, Beijing, China

  • in between, Galerie Punkt Z, Hard, Austria

  • NÖ KulturpreisträgerInnen 2013, NoeDok, St.Pölten, Austria


  • Open Studio Days, ISCP (International Studio and Curatorial Program), New York

  • Abstraction/Figuration. Contemporary Austrian Art, Artmuseum Sochi, Russia, curated by Edelbert Köb

  • Death Can Dance, Townhouse, Zurich, Switzerland, curated by Lori Hersberger

  • tracing paper, Charim Gallery, Vienna, Austria


  • The Borders of Drawing, Kunstverein das weisse Haus, Vienna, Austria

  • silent narrative, Galerie im Traklhaus, Salzburg, Austria

  • Heroes of Today III, Graffit Gallery, Varna, Bulgary

  • Entartainer, Parkfair, Vienna

  • Art Futures, Art Hong Kong

  • be kind remind, Galerie Punkt Z, Hard, Austria


  • Stift und Zettel, Künstlerhaus Dortmund, Germany

  • en pointe (switch legs, left up, around, and reach), Strabag Kunstforum, Vienna, Austria

  • Heroes of today, Red Gate Gallery Studios, Beijing, China

  • Wo Ich war soll Es werden, Element 6, Vienna, Austria

  • Fine line, Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna, Austria

  • Helden von Heute, Kunstraum Innsbruck, Austria

  • rumours form groundcontrol (3C75), Galerie Punkt Z, Hard, Austria

  • Originalfunktional, Wiener Art Foundation, Vienna, Austria, curated by Stefan Bidner

  • silent narrative, stadtgalerie schwaz, Austria, curated by Karin Pernegger

  • places to recall, Charim Galerie, Vienna, Austria


  • New Positions, Art Cologne, Cologne, Germany

  • Get Connected. Reznikov Collection & Award, Künstlerhaus, Vienna, Austria

  • Strabag Art Award, Strabag Art Lounge, Vienna, Austria

  • Chili con Carne, Forum Frohner, Krems, Austria

  • Nocturne (Pieces of Silence), Charim Ungar Contemporary, Berlin, Germany

  • Kardinal König Kunstpreis, Kunstraum St.Virgil, Salzburg, Austria

  • Kopfstücke, Galerie Punkt Z, Hard, Austria


  • Plateau, Forum Stadtpark, Graz, Austria, curated by Eva Martischnig

  • resetting/phantasana (curtain falls), Thomas K. Lang Gallery, Webster University, Vienna, Austria

  • resetting/phantasana (curtain rises), Charim Galerie, Vienna, Austria


  • ARTmART, Kuenstlerhaus, Vienna, Austria, curated by Lorenz Seidler

  • Ship of Fools, Kunstpavillon Innsbruck, Austria

  • Zeichen und Zeichnung, Charim Galerie, Vienna, Austria

  • Is it a High C or a Vitamin B, Galerie 5020, Salzburg, Austria, curated by Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein

  • ...und immer fehlt mir was, und das quält mich, Werkstadt Graz, Austria

  • Almost 39° of fever, Marco, Dispari&Dispari Project, Reggio Nell’Emilia, Italy, curated by Christian Eisenberger


  • Der gestohlene Blick, Sonderschau, Cologne Fine Art Fair, Cologne, Germany

  • Wiener Blut, Kunstraum 21, Cologne, Germany

  • Economy Class, Alliance Francaise, Nairobi, Kenia

  • FAUNA://hybrid, Charim Galerie, Vienna, Austria, curated by Lioba Reddeker

  • Eau de Cologne, Werftgalerie, Vienna, Austria

  • Dies ist doch kein Porno, Galerie Lisi Haemmerle, Bregenz, Austria

  • Potential Dialogue. Facts and Fiction, RCM Museum, Nanjing, China, curated by Christiane Krejs, Kunstraum Noe


  • Hotspots - Emerging Artists, Essl Museum, Klosterneuburg, Austria

  • Anton Faistauer Preis, Galerie im Traklhaus, Salzburg, Austria


  • beziehungsweise, Alte Schmiede, Artothek der Stadt Wien, Vienna, Austria

  • Agieren nach dem Tod von Cheibani Wague, WUK, Vienna, Austria, curated by Sidy Mamadou Wane


  • Angesichts, diploma exhibition, University of Applied Arts, Vienna, Austria

  • Klimatisch im Hoch, Galerie Lisi Haemmerle, Bregenz, Austria, curated by Karin Pernegger

Commissions: site-specific, permanent installations 

2022 The Great Vibration, KÖR (Art in Public Space Vienna) & EBG (Non-Profit Building Cooperative), Vienna, Austria

2019 Circulus Vitiosus (Make it Greta!), H.P. Buber Artefakte, St. Leonhard/Forst, Austria

2018 Elektro Teufl & Co GmbH Purgstall, Elektro Teufl, Purgstall, Austria

2014 True Lies, Theater Akzent/Arbeiterkammer Wien, Austria (ended 2018)

2011 Lost in Translation, UFT, University Research Center Tulln, Austria

Art projects in collaboration with Erwin Uhrmann

2007-2017 Art Critics Award, cooperation with basis wien and Kunsthalle Wien

2014 Points of Passage, Arts, Dance, Film and Literature Program at Melk Abbey

2004-2007 Kunstklappe© (Art Hatch), public space, Vienna, Austria, and Cologne, Germany

2004-2006 Werftgalerie, artist-run-space, Vienna

2004-2020 Kunstwerft, co-founder and organization of an artist association

2007 Missing:Discourse, opera-libretto, with Martin Haltrich (composition)

Awards, grants, residencies

2020 Artist residency, Kulturinitiative Gmünd, Austria

2015 Research grant about Susanne Wenger’s work in Nigeria, funded by the Austrian Federal Chancellery

2015 Austrian Graphic Art Competition Award, Galerie im Taxispalais, Innsbruck

2013 Award for Fine Arts by the State of Lower Austria

2013 Artist residency at ISCP (International Studio & Curatorial Program) New York by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture

2009 Austrian Federal Annual Grant for Fine Arts

2009 Strabag Art Award


Lentos Art Museum Linz, Albertina Graphic Art Collection, EVN Collection, Verbund Collection, Arbeiterkammer Wien (Vienna Chamber of Labour), Artothek des Bundes (Austrian Federal Collection), Collection of the City of Vienna, Collection of the State of Lower Austria, Vienna Insurance Group Collection, Strabag Artforum, Collection of the State of Tyrol, Niederösterreichische Versicherung, private collections.

Artist books, monographies

Moussa Kone, Walter Pamminger, Bastian Schneider (ed.): Eine Naht aus Licht und Schwarz. Graphic Novel (Sonderzahl, Vienna, 2018)

Alexander Peer: Der Klang der stummen Verhältnisse (Limbus, Innsbruck, 2017)

Moussa Kone: The Abecedarium of the Artist's Death (VFMK, Vienna, 2014)

Moussa Kone, Martin Rotheneder (ed.): The Colman Book of Wounds and Wonders (Stift Melk, 2014)

Moussa Kone: Etymology. Moby Dick Filet (Harpune Verlag, Vienna, 2012)

Erwin Uhrmann, Moussa Kone (ed.): Nocturnes (Literaturedition Niederösterreich, 2012)

Hermann Burger, Moussa Kone: Diabelli (Harpune Verlag, Vienna, 2012)

Andreas Schett, Moussa Kone (ed.): Manual (Kerber Artbooks, Bielefeld/Leipzig/Berlin, 2011)

Exhibition catalogues, contributions to art publications

Hemma Schmutz, Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz (ed.): Das Leben der Dinge. Geraubt-verschleppt-gerettet (Verlag Bibliothek der Provinz, Weitra, 2024)

Brigitte Borchhardt-Birbaumer, Berthold Ecker (ed.): The 2000s. Bye-bye confidence (Wien Museum, Verlag für Moderne Kunst, Vienna, 2023)

Wolfgang Mörth (ed.): Miromente. Zeitschrift für Gut und Bös, No 64 (Bregenz, July 2021)

Strabag Kunstforum (ed.): Strabag Artaward. 25 years art prize for painting and drawing (Ritter, Klagenfurt, 2020)

Moussa Kone: Adire Batik in the work of Susanne Wenger, in: Wolfgang Denk (ed.): Susanne Wenger. Grafik und Adire Batik (Susanne Wenger Foundation, Krems, 2020)

Blaugelbe Galerie (ed.): 30 Jahre blaugelbe Galerie (St.Peter in der Au, 2020)

Nina Schedlmayer (ed.): Arbeit Leben Kunst (NöArt, St. Pölten, 2019)

Alexandra Grausam, Bundeskanzleramt Österreich (ed.): Away. The Book about Residencies (VFMK, Vienna, 2018)

Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz (ed.): Sterne. Kosmische Kunst von 1900 bis heute (VFMK, Wien, 2017)

Björn Hegardt (ed.): Fukt #16. Magazine for Contemporary Drawings. Dirty Drawing: The Sex Issue (Fukt, Berlin, 2017)

Christine Moser, Austrian Cultural Forum New York (ed.): Constructing Paradise (Verlag Anton Pustet, Salzburg, 2017)

Moussa Kone: cover drawing and print edition (Parnass Art Magazine, No 03/2016, Vienna)

Kammer für Arbeiter und Angestellte für Wien; Roman Berka (ed.): Kunst-Arbeit-Gesellschaft (Vienna, 2016)

Silvia Höller (ed.): Figur/Struktur. Artcollection/Artaward (Kunstbrücke, Innsbruck, 2015)

Galerie im Taxispalais (ed.): 34. Österreichischer Grafikwettbewerb (Innsbruck, 2015)

Strabag Artcollection (ed.): halb erinnert, halb vorhergesehen. Werke aus der Strabag Artcollection (Ritter, Klagenfurt, 2015)

Agence Borderline (ed.): Keep your Feelings in Memory (Luxembourg, 2014)

Stift Melk (ed.): Points of Passage. Kunst, Literatur, Tanz und Film im Stift Melk (Stift Melk, Melk/Donau, 2014)

Museum Angerlehner (ed.): Museum Angerlehner. Eine Privatsammlung wird öffentlich (Hirner, Munich, 2013)

Biennale Giovani Monza (ed.): 30 artisti, 5 critici (Edizione Arti, Brescia, 2013)

Carl Aigner, Wolfgang Huber, et al. (ed.): Leopold-Mensch, Politiker, Landespatron (Landesmuseum Niederösterreich, St. Pölten, 2013)

Carl Aigner (ed.): Subversiveness of the Line. Drawings as Statement of Contemporary Art (Steinverlag, Bad Traunstein, 2013)

Austrian Cultural Forum Moscow (ed.): Figuration/Abstraction. Austrian Contemporary Art (Moscow, 2012)

Heidi Hackl, Andreas Schett (ed.): Quartessenz (Haymon, Innsbruck-Wien, 2011)

EVN AG (ed.): evn collection 2006-2011 (Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln, 2011)

Das weisse Haus (ed.): The Borders of Drawing (Vienna, 2011)

Bianca Regl, Robert Muntean (ed.): Heroes of Today (Kerber Artbooks, Leipzig, 2010)

Kunsthalle Wien (ed.): Wem gehört die Stadt? Wien-Kunst im öffentlichen Raum seit 1968 (Verlag für moderne Kunst Nürnberg, 2009)

Strabag Art Foundation (ed.): Strabag Art Award International (Vienna, 2009)

K wie Kunst. Kardinal-König-Kunstpreis 2009 (Müry Salzmann, Salzburg-Wien, 2009)

Quart. Heft für Kultur in Tirol, No 14 (Innsbruck, 2009)

Agnes Husslein-Arco (ed.): Phantastischer Realismus (Belvedere, Wien, 2008)

Lioba Reddeker (ed.): Art Critics Award Lesebuch (basis wien, Wien, 2007)

Moussa Kone, Erwin Uhrmann: Dialog, in: Lioba Reddeker (ed.): Art Critics Award Lesebuch (basis wien, 2007)

Gabriele Schor (ed.): Held together with water. Art from the Verbund Collection (Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern, 2007)

Christiane Krejs; Zuo Jing (ed.): Potential Dialogue (RCM Art Museum Beijing, 2006)

Edition Sammlung Essl: Hot Spots (Klosterneuburg, 2005)

Lectures, workshops, public conversations

2023 Kunst am Bau - die bunte Stadt, Panel Talk, Wohnbund Consult, Vienna

2022 Schreiben über die eigene Kunst: das Artist Statement, workshop, Artist Mentoring Program, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna

2021 Die Kunst des Schreibens über Kunst, workshop with Erwin Uhrmann, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna

2020 Orisha Dances from Cuba, performance lecture with Yusimi Moya Rodriguez and Christian Martinek, Susanne Wenger Foundation, Krems

2020 Susanne Wenger and the rise of art in Nigeria, exhibition tour, Belvedere, Vienna

2020 Artist Talk, with curator Elisabeth Voggeneder, Forum Frohner, Krems

2019 Die Kunst des Schreibens über Kunst, workshop with Erwin Uhrmann, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna

2018 Eine Naht aus Licht und Schwarz, book presentation and talk, with curator Elsy Lahner and critic Nina Schedlmayer, Albertina, Vienna

2018 Graphic Vienna, panel discussion and project presentation, Wien Museum, Vienna

2018 Kunstkritik im Wandel, panel discussion, Wien Museum MUSA, Vienna

2017 Drawing from the Future. Five studio talks, Salon für Kunstbuch, Belvedere, Vienna

2016 Praktische Textkompetenz, workshop with Erwin Uhrmann and curator Vanessa Joan Müller, Kunsthalle Wien

2016 Die Kunst des Schreibens über Kunst, workshop with Erwin Uhrmann, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna

2015 Duets, talk with curator Günther Oberhollenzer, Essl Museum, Klosterneuburg

2015 Die Kunst des Schreibens über Kunst, workshop with Erwin Uhrmann, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna

2014 Praktische Textkompetenz, workshop with Erwin Uhrmann, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna

2014 Art Critic in Residence, panel discussion and moderation, Depot, Vienna

2013 Places to Recall, artist talk, ISCP (International Studio and Curatorial Program) New York, USA

2010 Die Wiederkehr des Künstlers, roundtable by Brigitte Borchhardt-Birbaumer, University of Applied Arts, Vienna

2010 Material:Sprache, lecture with Erwin Uhrmann, University of Arts, Linz, Austria

2009 Über Kunst schreiben. Texte, Analysen, Selbstversuch, workshop, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Austria

2007 Endlich Kunst ohne Kritik?, Panel Discussion, F+F Schule für Kunst und Design, Zürich, Switzerland

Teaching (with Erwin Uhrmann)

2013-2014 The Art of Writing about Art, Institute of Culture, Literature and Music, University of Klagenfurt, Austria

Selected comments, articles, reviews

Wolfgang Freitag: Favoriten: Von der Aussicht in Zeiten der Cholera, Die Presse, June 29, 2022

Verena Aschbacher: A Seam of Light and Black, Words without Borders, 2020, online

Robert Bollick: Books on Books Collection - Moussa Kone, Books on Books, 2020, online

Erwin Uhrmann: Als die Kunst den Raum eroberte, kunstStoff No 31, June 2020, p.2f, online

Michaela Fleck-Regenfelder: Greta Thunberg grüsst..., NÖN, November 12, 2019, p.23

Michael Huber: Ein Künstler als Aufseher und eine tuscheschwarze Nacht im Museum, Kurier, January 22, 2019, p.25, online

Roman Tschiedl: Utopie und Poesie. Nachts im Museum, Radio Ö1, Leporello, October 24, 2018, online

Neue Graphic Novels: Thomas Bernhard und Albertina, Salzburger Nachrichten, September 25, 2018, online

Albert Eibl: Poesie und Nihilismus, Falter, Feuilleton, No 12/18, March 21, 2018, p.30

Silvie Aigner: Art Critics Award 2017, Parnass Kunstmagazin, No 4/2016, p.6

Silvie Aigner: Moussa Kone, Parnass Kunstmagazin, No 3/2016, p.212

Michaela Knapp: Kunst Guide 2016, Trend Das Wirtschaftsmagazin, No 12, March 25, 2016, p.57-72

Ivona Jelcic: Energieschub auf der grafischen Spielwiese, Tiroler Tageszeitung, August 17, 2015

Nicole Scheyerer: Narziss, Falter Stadtzeitung Wien, June 3, 2015, p.38

Anne Katrin Fessler: Bildband: Makaber-schöne Leichen, Der Standard, Album, April 18, 2015, p.A6

Florian Thöni: Schwarz wie Tusche selbst, the gap Magazin für Popkultur, March 2015

Florian Steininger: Szene Zeichnung - Disegno Austriaco, Parnass Kunstmagazin, No 1/2015, p.156-158

Ewald Baringer: Melk: Kunstprojekt zum Kolomani-Jahr, ORF, online, February 21, 2015

Ariane Grabher: Den Zeichenmuskel gestärkt, Schwachstellen übermalt, Kultur, Zeitschrift für Kultur und Gesellschaft, No 10/2014, p.84f

Hartwig Knack: Zeitgenössische Kunst in sakralem Ambiente, Parnass Kunstmagazin, No 3/2014, p.80-85

Gabriele Petricek: Fegefeuern meines Lächelns. Zu den Zeichnungen Chelsea Smiles von Moussa Kone, Triedere, Periodikum für Theorie und Kunst, August 2014, p.101-108

Mylène Carrière: Questions de mémoire, Le Quotidien, April 3, 2014

Luc Caregari: Jeux de mémoire, woxx, No 1244, Luxembourg, December 5, 2013, p.34

Nina Schedlmayer: Kunst, Gesellschaft, Konditionierung, in: Niederösterreichische Landesregierung (ed.): Kulturpreisträgerinnen und Kulturpreisträger des Landes Niederösterreich 2013, St.Pölten 2013, p.12

Jana Nemeth: Vymedzit sa voci l'ahkosti bytia, SME, June 2013, p.17

Sebastian Gilli: Nächtliches Spurensuchen, Der Standard, Album, May 4, 2013, p.A10

Manfred Gram: Schattierungen der Nacht, the gap Magazin für Glamour und Diskurs, No 133, February 2013, p.52

Michaela Knapp: Investieren in Kunst. Das grosse Kunstranking, Format, No 47, November 23, 2012, p.100

Christa Benzer: Linien aus Sand, Licht und Fäden, Der Standard, June 27, 2012, p.32

Hannah Stouffer: Moussa Kone, Juxtapoz, Art and Culture, December 2011, Volume 18, No 12, p.82-93

Thomas Weber: Blei fürs Regal, the gap Magazin für Popkultur, No 120, October 2011, p.32

Matthias Schmidt: Vom souveränen Umgang mit den Formen, Triedere, Periodikum für Theorie und Kunst, April 2011

Michaela Leutzendorff Pakesch: Geschichten aus der Feder, Schau Kunstmagazin, 01/2011, p.50

Franz Thalmair: Grenzlinien im Raumgefüge. The Borders of Drawing, Kunstforum International, No 208/2011, p. 382f

Christa Benzer: Angsthasen und Rampenschweine, Der Standard, December 23, 2010, p.12

Sabine Oppolzer: Der Künstler und sein Publikum, Radio Ö1, Interview, November 24, 2010

Nicole Scheyerer: Das schwarz-weiße Ornament der Eierschädel, Falter, Stadtzeitung Wien, December 8, 2010, p.36

Fiona Liewehr: Zeichnerischer Grenzgang, Parnass Kunstmagazin, No 3/2010, September-Oktober, p.82-85

Almuth Spiegler: Galerienrundgang: Weil Zeichnung Liebe ist, Die Presse, April 10, 2010

Michael Huber: Geistesblitze, gebannt mit Feder und Tusche, Kurier, Tageszeitung Österreich, Feb. 2, 2010, p.26

Wolfgang Pichler: Zeichensprache, artmagazine.cc, Feb. 7, 2010

Manisha Jothady: Entrée, Echappé, Frappé, Falter, Stadtzeitung Wien, No 3/10, p.31

Johanna Hofleitner: Moussa Kone: Geschichten aus der Feder, Die Presse, Schaufenster, June 19, 2009, p.30ff

Michaela Knapp: Wilder Stricher, the gap Magazin für Popkultur, No 093, Februar 2009

Martin Zolles: Diebstahl mit Fragezeichen, the gap Magazin für Popkultur, No 92, Dezember 2008/Jänner 2009

Thomas Jorda; Eplinger, Christian: Barocke Engel und die Rückgabe, various articles, February-March 2009

Missing: Discourse. Warum nicht: Ein Opernlibretto über den fehlenden Kunstdiskurs, the gap Magazin für Popkultur, No 083, February 2008

Moussa Kone: Art Critics Award - Keine Rache der Künstler, Informationsdienst Kunst, No 372, March 8, 2007

Anne Katrin Feßler: Kunstkritik 'verkehrt': Künstler bewerten Journalisten, Der Standard Online, November 27, 2006

Almuth Spiegler: Rettung für reuige Räuber, art, Das Kunstmagazin, No 4, April 2006, p.113

Eric Bryant: Bargain Cellar, ARTnews, March 2007, p.38

Marion Leske: Die Kunstklappe, ein Angebot für reuige Langfinger, Kunst Zeitung, No 115, March 2006

Eberhard Rathgeb: Die Klappe, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, No 254, October 30, 2004, p.33

Roman David-Freihsl: Der Saliera-Dieb hätte es nicht weit gehabt zur Kunstklappe, Der Standard, January 28/29, 2006

Viennese Forest, VISION magazine, Shanghai, April 2006, p.164

Georgina Adams: Gallery offers amnesty to art thieves, The Art Newspaper, International Edition, Vol. XIV, No 156, March 2005

Jürgen Raap: Wien: Kunstklappe, Kunstforum International, No 178, November 2005/January 2006

Dorothee Frank: Audio-Report, Radio Berlin Deutschlandfunk, Radio OE1. 5'44, November 9, 2004

Antje Mayer: Klappe auf, Klappe zu, Informationsdienst Kunst, No 313, November 8, 2004

Peter Ortmann: Kunst statt Babies-Deutschlands erste Kunstklappe, Die Tageszeitung, January 24, 2006

Moussa Kone: Was in der Kunstklappe landet, Informationsdienst Kunst, No 344, February 2, 2006

Katrin Wittneven: Ob's klappt? Eine Kunstklappe in Köln für lästig gewordene Beute, Der Tagesspiegel, January 24, 2006

Johannes Wolf: Kunstklappe, Kurier, December 22, 2005, p.9


Moussa Kone is a member of Bildrecht. As a society in the field of visual rights, Bildrecht represents the copyrights of image creators.