Moby Dick Filet
A series by Harpune Verlag
Moussa Kone: Etymology. Moby Dick Filet, Harpune Verlag, Vienna, 2012
15 x 20 cm, 16 pages, leporello (20 x 71 cm, opened). Published in an edition of 460 numbered copies, plus 40 pieces signed by the artist in a special edition with parts of the original drawing.
Publisher: Harpune Verlag
Since 2011, Harpune Verlag publishes Herman Melville's masterpiece about the Great White Whale and his relentless pursuer Captain Ahab as a serial in 137 chapters. To do justice to the book's many voices, each chapter is illustrated by another artist and each issue is published at the rate of one chapter per month. The title of this unique artist book series is Moby Dick Filet.
Moussa Kone’s chosen chapter features the whole whale in one single piece of paper, drawn over 16 pages. Forty copies were published in a special edition with a slice of the original whale ink drawing.
“Note the reflections of the whaler Pequod, Ahab’s chase boat, Ahab himself and the descending harpoon all caught in the corner of the whale’s eye. Being on the front cover, they are the most prominent of several telling details, two others being the selection of ocean-blue ink for the etymological terms through which the whale swims and the whale’s length extending over both sides of the leporello.”
Robert Bolick
books on books, online, 2020/05/19
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